Jun 11, 2011

As I Lay Dying: Theme of Religion

Theme of religion in As I Lay Dying

Divine justice is not just in the story; who is rewarded with good luck is not upright. Also, the minister, while preaching chastity and morality, is a hypocritical adulterer who illegitimately fathers a son. However, characters in the story often back up their own ideas with religion beliefs. The following quotes are as examples:

“Riches is nothing in the face of the Lord, for He can see into the heart.” (2.5)

Here Cora is reminded of her religion belief as her daughter Kate speaks of the rich town ladies changing minds. The statement can be referred to Biblical text, Proverbs 11.4: “Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death.” And John 3.20: “For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knowest all things.”(King James Version)

“Now and then a fellow gets to thinking. About all the sorrow and afflictions in this world; how it’s liable to strike anywhere, like lightning. I reckon it does take a powerful trust in the Lord to guard a fellow, though sometimes I think that Cora’s a mite over-cautious, like she was trying to crowd the other folks away and get in closer than anybody else. But then, when something like this happens, I reckon she is right and you got to keep after it and I reckon I am blessed in having a wife that ever strives for sanctity and well-doing like she says I am.” (16.21)

Tull ponders on the importance of faith.

“One day I was talking to Cora. She prayed for me because she believed I was blind to sin, wanting me to kneel and pray too, because people to whom sin is just a matter of words, to them salvation is just words too.” (40.30)

Cora believes Addie’s only sin to be loving Jewel more than other children, and the punishment is the favorite child does not love her. Cora thinks Addie closes her heart to God; Addie views Jewel, the child she has from adultery, as the salvation and she knows more about sin.

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