Jun 10, 2011

Southern Literature: Representative Writers and Their Works

Southern Literature: 
representative writers and their works

*   Absalom, Absalom! (novels)

*   “How It Feels to Be Colored Me” (essay)

*   “Bells for John Whiteside’s Daughter”
*   “Here Lies a Lady”
*   “Philomela”
*   “Piazza Piece”
*   “Janet Waking” (poems)

*   “Flowering Judas” (short story)

*   “The Lost Boy” (short story)

*   “Bearded Oaks”
*   “Audubon”
*   “American Portrait: Old Style”
*   “Acquaintance with Time in Early Autumn”
*   “Mortal Limit”
*   “After the Dinner Party” (poems)

*   The Man Who Was Almost a Man” (short story)

*   “Petrified Man” (short story)

*   “The Life You Save May Be Your Own”
*   “Good Country People” (short stories)

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